How does the Coke Law Firm approach helping clients?

Because they fear bankruptcy or feel guilty about it, some people spend months and even years struggling with debts they’ll never be able to pay off. People have heard  false stories that their credit will be destroyed or that they will lose their house or cars.

At the Coke Law Firm, we understand why people struggle to avoid bankruptcy, but we think it’s a life-wasting mistake. We take pride in helping our clients get past their fears and worries about bankruptcy.

In the first free consultation, we’ll answer your questions and tell you the truth about bankruptcy. After your first meeting with us, you’ll know whether bankruptcy is your best option.

If you’re eligible for bankruptcy, the benefits to your life usually far outweigh the costs. We’ll tell you the truth about the benefits and the costs so you can make a good decision based on the facts.

When bankruptcy is your best option, the time to do it is now. Every dollar you pay in interest and penalties is a dollar that could be going toward a better life for you and your family.

We work to help you get that better life.